Trademark Attorney
Lady Prity Khastgir is a trademark attorney with over 18 years of experience in handling domestic and foreign trademark matters for various clients, ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies.
Prity has extensive knowledge of trademark laws and practices in different jurisdictions, and has successfully registered, enforced, and defended trademarks in the United States, India, Europe, Asia, and Latin America with her army of IP attorneys.
Last Day to Submit Bid as invited by Indian Patent Office (IPO)
Migration of Oracle Database Trademark Applications to Cloud Infrastructure
Tender Number GEM/2023/B/4142208
Publish Date October 28, 2023
Last Date of Submission : December 04, 2023
Description :
Migration of Oracle Database Trademark Applications to Cloud Infrastructure
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We understand that the journey of innovation is akin to navigating the skies, where every creation is influenced by the forces of change—be it a hovering tailwind propelling progress or a challenging headwind demanding resilience.
If you find your business at the crossroads of opportunity and challenge, consider us your partners in this voyage. Our team at TCIS specializes in harnessing the tailwinds of innovation while expertly navigating the headwinds that may come our way.
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